Do you ever see a house or business done up for a major holiday and think that they should keep those decorations up all year long? That's the way I feel as I drive to and from work along 202 through Washington, New Preston, and New Milford.

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There are four businesses/residences along Rt. 202 through New Milford and New Preston that I've noticed all have the same simple, white lantern-type lights in the trees surrounding their property. These lights are in the trees in front of the Community Table Restaurant and Bar in Washington, The Smithy Market and The White Horse Pub in New Preston, and the fourth is in New Milford across from the Subway near Dunkin'.

Photo by Large Dave
Photo by Large Dave

I love these lights, maybe it's the simplicity? They are the only things lit up at 4AM on a dark 202, and I've always loved the look of up-lit trees when it's dark outside. My other favorite Christmas light on 202 is in the center of Bantam, there is a residence in the neighborhood that has strung beautiful purple waterfall lights on a single tree in their yard, and they look so unique as they cascade down.

My choice for third place for the Christmas lights along 202 for 2024 goes out to the hard-working folks at the Northville Volunteer Fire Department. A big, bright beautiful star, with gorgeous strands of traditional multi-colored lights around the massive garage doors is simple and stunning. Nice job ladies and gentlemen, let's keep them up.

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Worst to First Ranking of the 12 Shopping Malls of Connecticut

The 2024 Christmas shopping season is underway, and I still prefer to do my shopping in-person, in a physical store. There are a dozen shopping malls across Connecticut, and I've been to every one of them in the past year. Here's how I see them, I've ranked them best to worst

Gallery Credit: Google Maps

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