Places in Danbury Where it’s Cool to Eat With Your Hands
How do we all learn to eat at first? That’s right, with our hands. We are all on the go these days and I mean really, who has time for eating with utensils? I know at one time or another, we, as human beings, decided it was a good idea to invent things to help us eat besides our hands, but that is for another time. With summer coming up, we are going to be eating with our hands a lot with barbeques, picnics, camping, family outings, and all the other things American humans typically do when it is warm out. Here are 5 places where it’s cool to eat with your hands.

Before I get started, this list was not compiled with the help of the internet at all, complete word of mouth from experts that know what they are talking about (Large Dave). We start with a place frequently mentioned on The Ethan and Lou Morning Show, Taco Bachi. Tacos, who doesn’t like, strike that, LOVE tacos? Taco Bachi is a place I will be enjoying for years to come.
Hot Dogs are as American as being an American and singing songs about America and stuff like that. Even though they were invented in Europe, they are considered pretty freaking high on the “this is American when it really isn’t”-scale, but no one on this blue orb can argue the fact that Hot Dogs were meant to be eaten with your hands.
According to my research, it has been determined that JK's Original Texas Hot Weiners is the place to go for said Hot Dogs, and, by gum, I certainly will, but we will save that for another time. Here are a couple of pictures, what it looks like today and when it began.
Keeping with the “hot” theme, let’s go with hot wings, or just wings if you prefer. When I go wings, I definitely go “hot” wings and most likely boneless. Yea, I am one of those guys, we can argue later about that if you want. TKs American Café research tells me (again, 2nd paragraph) and they have signs saying “Famous Wings”, and that is good enough for me.
Another hand-only food might be the sandwich. I don’t recall ever seeing anyone eat a sandwich with a knife and fork unless it was smothered in gravy. The new guy on the block that Lou Milano wrote an article about, Farm Boys Smokin’ BBQ would fit the bill with some amazing brisket sandwiches. This place will get some of my money for sure.
You know I wouldn’t forget pizza (another on the ���this is American when it really isn’t”-scale), you folks here in Connecticut love your pizza, and I do too. I didn’t know what I was missing living in Kansas. Without getting into too much detail and getting myself into trouble, let’s just say they don’t know how to make pizza, you guys do. Again, Large Dave tells me that Stanziato’s Wood Fired Pizza is a good place to go, I believe him. As a matter of fact, I believe him on all five counts.
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