According to a press release on their website, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA have sent a letter to Danbury Fair Mall management asking them to cancel their fireworks show scheduled for this Friday, September 3.

In exchange for canceling the Danbury Fair fireworks, PETA has offered to provide every individual at the event with free vegan ice cream. The following are the words of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk.

“The booms and blasts of fireworks scare wildlife out of their nests, terrorize dogs out of their yards, and send veterans back to the worst days of war. PETA is eager to help Danbury Fair kick off the holiday weekend with a celebration that’s fun, not frightening.”

You can read the entire letter by clicking on Let's pick this apart by first asking you if PETA makes a good point regarding the effect of loud booming fireworks on animals and war vets.

They have a point because I have personally seen both animals and war vets traumatized by thundering flashy exploding fireworks, and it's extremely uncomfortable and sad to watch, but I would recommend the following compromise.

'The Thundershirt Sport Anxiety Vest for Dogs - Amazon.Com
'The Thundershirt Sport Anxiety Vest for Dogs - Amazon.Com

I suggest navigating to the American Kennel Club website if your pet freaks out during a nearby fireworks display. They offer various coping mechanisms to try with your pet or take your dog for a ride and totally remove them from the situation.

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Personal fireworks and illegal firecrackers set off randomly anywhere, at any time, can trigger PTSD. Psychiatrist John Lipkin, MD offers nine practical tips to prepare and cope for whatever may come. Check out the website,

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