Paranormal Experts Say Derby’s Sterling Opera House is One of the Most Haunted Places in CT
You can drive right by it and not realize the significance of the Sterling Opera House in Derby, CT.

I have done just that, I’d driven by it many times and did not know what I was looking at, until recently. Every now and then, I’ll go looking for a CT location to research and I found a great one recently that I needed to know more about. I usually begin with locations that have a long history, then onto abandoned places and even better, haunted places. By anyone's measure, the Sterling Opera House is all three, rich in history, left for dead and haunted.
Paranormal Experts Say Derby's Sterling Opera House is one of the Most Haunted Places in CT
I have reached out to Rich DiCarlo about the possibility of taking a closer look. I love things like this, and they make me sad at the same time. Having a building of this significance shuttered for decades is awful.
These places, these buildings that we overlook are teaming with rich history and need to be respected, protected and honored. I’m just thankful the building is still standing and hope that it will for many years to come.
Damned CT says sometimes tours are granted inside the Opera House around Halloween which is pretty cool if you ask me.
Below is the Harry Connick Jr. music video that was shot inside the Sterling Opera House and it appears to still have amazing acoustics.
Below is a portion of the SyFy "Ghost Hunters" episode shot at the Sterling Opera House.
You scratch me, and I'll be in the car before you can say boo.
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