Numerous Jobs Now Available In the Danbury School System
If you're hoping to get into the teaching profession, or simply looking for a position in the Danbury public school system, now's the time.
Even though we are into the second month of this school year, jobs are there if you're looking for them. 41 to be exact in the Danbury public school system, some of which are in the education field.
In a link from the Danbury Public Schools, I found the following information.
Beyond teaching, you'll find positions in the Danbury High School Music Program, as well as Certified Social Workers, Guidance Counselor and more in Student Support. There are also numerous non-certified jobs in the Student Support Services field.
Your future is now, and the process to apply is right at your finger tips. To see all of the jobs that were available starting Oct.16 go to applitrack.com/danbury/onlineapp.
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