New Milford Puts the Smackdown on Danbury in Gasoline Price Wars
Here's the bottom line, would you drive an extra 5 to 8 miles to pay 20 cents less for a gallon of gas?
Over the last 30 days, I've been noticing the price disparity in gasoline prices between the town of New Milford and other greater Danbury area towns. I've asked myself,
"Ethan, how is it that New Milford is selling gas for up to 25 cents cheaper compared to other greater Danbury towns?"
Most gasoline prices at New Milford stations average between $2.41/gallon and $2.45/gallon while stations in other greater Danbury area towns average between $2.63/ gallon and upwards to $2.75/gallon depending on the town. Let's run the numbers. Let's say your car has a 15-gallon gas tank. If you filled it up in Danbury at $2.64/gallon, you're paying around $39.60 Fill up that same tank in New Milford, your cost would be around $36.60. You save $3 on your fill-up by driving to New Milford.
Let's say you own a large SUV with a 26-gallon tank. Your cost to fill it up in New Milford computes to around $63.44 compared to $68.64 in Danbury. In New Fairfield, the cost for a gallon of gas at the Mobile station is $2.75/gallon.
So how can gas prices be so different from one town to another in the same area? According to the 'Fuels Resource Center' retailers don't necessarily pay the same wholesale prices from station to station. Those wholesale prices are affected by:
- Volume
- Brand
- Competition
- Real Estate
Honestly, I'm not driving out of my way to pay 20 cents less for a gallon of gas and as Steely Dan sang in their song, 'Kid Charlemagne,"
"Is there gas in the car, yes there's gas in the car. I think the people down the hall know who you are."
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