New Milford Police Ask for Your Help in Identifying This Man
On Monday (5/8/23) the New Milford Police Department requested assistance from the public.

They posted the following to the New Milford Police Department Facebook page:
The New Milford Police Department is investigating a credit card fraud complaint and is asking for assistance in identifying the male in the photograph. Anyone with any information is being asked to email Officer Dru Sin at DSin@newmilfordpolice.org or call him at 860-355-3133.
There is no hiding from cameras these days, thankfully I'm not looking to be involved in any alleged credit card fraud scheme anytime soon. I just want enough privacy to scratch my nose and not have it look like I'm not wrist deep in my nostril.
After the posting went up, the public had some questions/comments:
Barbie R.F.: "Why didn’t he get arrested loading his truck? Nobody did anything or nothing on video? Why aren’t these people being stopped?!!! Maybe security needs to be at these stores!"
Jimmy W. Jr.: "From a former H D Contractor cashier, I guarantee there is saw blades and a lot of stuff tucked in those boxes of flooring...As above typed, Its easy with self check out.. Rumor has it he was asking where the break room was after checking out because he was tired."
Greg J: "It's no wonder why these criminals can do your jobs for you cheaper. They get the material for free. Nothing happens to these people so they will keep doing this. Have you noticed how much more we are paying for things ? The money they steal is coming out of our pockets !!!! For you who don't understand the stores increase the prices to cover their loses. What do laws mean when they keep getting away with their crimes !!! Feel safe out there ???"
That's a pretty clear picture.
He'll probably be caught by the end of this sentence.
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