New Fairfield School Nurse Charged with DUI, Police Say
A school nurse in New Fairfield was allegedly found to be intoxicated by Sheriff's deputies, as she was parked off the side of the road in Patterson, NY.
According to the NewsTimes, the nurse was parked off the side of Old Route 22 in Patterson, NY, when Putnam County Sheriff deputies pulled up after receiving a call about a suspicious vehicle. The deputies claim that she was intoxicated and she also had three teens under the age of 16 with her in the car. She was arraigned in Patterson court where bail was set at $2,500.
Because I live in New Fairfield, and belong to the New Fairfield/Sherman closed Facebook group, I immediately clicked on and found many comments about this unfortunate incident.
The comments ran the gamut from sarcastic, to angry, to compassionate, along with individuals posting comments while arguing back and forth with each other about how everyone should feel about this sad incident.
For what it's worth, my opinion is that no one other than her close friends and family are aware of what's truly going on in her private life. Should she be judged publicly? "Judge not lest you be judged."
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