New CT Law Will Ease Red Tape For Military Spouses and Tradesmen
Recently, one of my co-workers moved to Georgia, her husband is a United States Marine, and he was deployed to a different location, which meant that she was faced with a decision that many military families face: What do I do when I get there for employment? Fortunately, my coworker retained her job in our company, but, many like her aren't as lucky.
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has enacted new legislation that will ease restrictions on state licenses and certifications necessary to obtain employment in trades and certain healthcare professions. The hope is that this new legislation will make it easier for military spouses, and skilled tradesmen, to relocate to Connecticut.
According to the Official statement on CT.Gov, The Department of Defense states that 35% of military spouses in the labor force work at professions that require state licenses or certification. In addition, military spouses are 10 times more likely to relocate than most. Governor Lamont's proposed legislation, Public Act 21-152, will do away with some of the old red tape restrictions on occupational licenses and certifications, making it easier for someone out of state to obtain their eligibility to practice here in Connecticut.
Governor Lamont announced the new legislation yesterday at a bill-signing press conference in Groton, you can watch the whole ceremony by clicking on the above video.
Under the new legislation, which takes effect October 1, 2021, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, will issue appropriate credentials, if the applicant has practiced safely under another state's license for four years, meets examination requirements as defined under state statutes, and completes a necessary background check.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health will issue licenses to - Including, but not limited to:
- Dentists
- Emergency Medical Services Personnel
- Nurses
- Physical Therapists
- Physicians
- Sanitarians
- Veterinarians
The Connecticut Department of Public health will issue licenses to:
- Accountants
- Architects
- Engineers and land Surveyors
- Home Improvement Contractors
- Home Inspectors
- New Home Contractors
- Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
- Real Estate Appraisers
- Landscape Architects
- Interior Designers
- Swimming Pool Contractors
- Community Association Managers
- Public Service Gas Technicians
- Television, Radio Service Dealers, and Electronics Technicians
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacy Technicians
- Pharmacy Interns
- Hyptonists
- Homemaker-Companion Agencies
- Locksmiths
Hopefully this new legislation will lure some young, hard-working people into our state, we have the wealth, and the aging population to support the growth.
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