Manchester Police Rescue Deer Entangled In a Soccer Net
Typically you see an animal rescue from a dangerous entanglement, such as a barbed-wire fence, discarded plastic in our waters, or from an animal trap of some kind. A soccer net is another story, and that's exactly what happened to a poor deer up in Manchester this past Sunday, November 1, 2020.
The Manchester Police Department posted video of their officers, and members of the CT Department of Environmental Protection, freeing a pretty big deer that had gotten its antlers caught up in a net at the Veterans Memorial Soccer Field on Hillstown Road. The department had received calls of an animal in distress at the field, and with a group effort, they were able to temporarily subdue the incredibly frightened animal, cut away the net that was keeping it entangled, and then, which you'll see here in the attached post, let it go.
I like how it makes an initial burst towards the camera, realizes that it's the wrong way, and how incredibly fast it just does a 180, and leaps off into the woods. You can see that it's antlers are decent-sized, and one of the helpers was dedicated only to holding them down.
This is deer mating season, and the time of year that unfortunately, motorists are most likely to plow into them on our area roadways. Please be careful while you're driving, especially in the early morning hours, and near dusk, when they are most active. Great job CT DEEP and Manchester PD.
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