Make Sure You Check For Discolored Water Before Using it Danbury
I've been working outside over the past few weeks in the blazing sun, and as much as I thought that I was dehydrated, Connecticut as a whole is much worse off. We usually have a little stream that runs off the Still River behind the radio station on Federal Road here in Brookfield, it runs along Rt. 7, but, it's been completely dry for a few weeks now.
Most of the little ponds and culvert basins are bone dry, and what little water you can see is that sad dark brown/green that brackish Connecticut water is famous for. Our leaders have just done something to try to conserve what little concentrated water we do have left. Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont and the State of Connecticut have declared that all of Connecticut is experiencing Stage 2 Drought conditions. Just now, Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito has reiterated to area residents via the City of Danbury's social media what that means, and has issued an additional warning about possible discolored water:
Residents and businesses across Connecticut are now being asked to:
- Discontinue the irrigation of your lawn and garden
- Postpone planting a new lawn or garden
- Fix your leaky faucets or fixtures
- Stop washing your vehicles and/or equipment
Mayor Esposito then follows up with -
"Rest assured, Danbury has an adequate supply of water for drinking and fire suppression but due to these extremly high demands for water, residents may experience occasionally discolored water. Thank you for your cooperation."
Is the discolored water bad to drink? No. But if you run a load of whites in your washer, or are grossed out by pee-colored shower water, here's a head's up.