Is It Time to Bring Back Tolls to Connecticut Roads?
It's a fact that Connecticut is in one big financial meltdown.
I don't pretend to know why Connecticut is unable to get their financial act together, although I do know there are several reasons. I recently read an article in the NewsTimes by Michael Daly, the editor of the editorial page of ctpost.com, advocating the return of Connecticut road tolls.
Connecticut tolls came to an end in 1983 when a tractor-trailer, out of control on I-95, plowed into a line of cars waiting at a toll booth. The aftermath was said to be horrific. Six people died and four were injured. That was the beginning of the end of road and bridge tolls in Connecticut.
So why not re-institute road tolls in Connecticut? Most toll booths are being, or have already been replaced with an electronic alternative which make much safer. The fact is that its easy money for Connecticut. Massachusetts toll revenue in 2016 was $450 million and in New Jersey, it was $1.6 billion. Connecticut is drowning in debt so why don't we jump back on the toll bandwagon?
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