I Now Prefer Roxbury Over Waterbury as My Final Resting Place
I've at the age that I want to pick a spot for my final resting place. I'm not one of those "I want to be buried with a bong in one hand, a remote in the other, on a leather couch' guys, but I'm concerned about the location. I think I want to be buried in Roxbury, not Waterbury.

Most of my family is buried in Waterbury's sprawling Calvary Cemetery on East Main Street, a few, including one of my grandpa's are buried in the Old St. Joseph's Cemetery right across from the Brass Mill Center Mall. We have a family plot in the smaller portion of Calvary behind the former Sunbeam Bakery building. I went to pay my respects before a Doctor's appointment the other day, and honestly I don't feel peace there anymore.
The traffic on East Main Street, with the constant hum of crappy mufflers was so distracting. The grounds were in decent shape, but the surrounding businesses interfere with your concentration. I was born in Waterbury, and I always planned on being buried next to my family, but now? I think I want a more peaceful setting, even though I'll be decomposing.
It's funny what goes through your head when you're thinking about your demise, but I think I want to be buried in Roxbury's Great Oak Cemetery. It's located on Rt. 67/North Street just past the Roxbury Market & Deli. It's a beautiful plot of land that has sweeping views of the Shepaug River valley near Hodge Park.
Is there a Craig's List category for burial plot swaps?
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