Over the past two months, a hoax used to promote an upcoming horror flick has spread like wild fire across the entire country, taking on a life of its own and leaving people in fear.

With each passing day, more and more communities have been thrown into an uproar thanks to various sightings of people dressed as horrific-looking clowns. Now, over the past 24 hours, the creepy clown craze has marched its giant shoes into Connecticut, and stuck its big red nose into the thick of things.

Even more disturbing than the Stephen King meets American Horror Story inspired costumes, are the very serious threats to local communities -- mainly schools.

While most of the hoaxes have been proven to be just that, local law enforcement officials have no choice but to take each threat seriously. So seriously, in fact, that many government bodies across Connecticut, such as the New Haven Public School District, have taken preventative measures by banning any clown-like apparel on school property, as mentioned in a press conference this afternoon (Oct. 4). Authorities said that despite various social media pranks, there is no credible threat to students or schools in the district, and that the clown costume ban is to avoid any innocent students being perceived as a potential threat.

Here's a look at some of the creepy clown activity that has popped up in Connecticut:

New Haven:

An instagram account was created called newhavenclown, which made four posts that vaguely threatened students who attend many local schools. Each post featured an image of scary looking clowns. As mentioned previously, the New Haven Public School District and the New Haven Police Department have banned clown-like attire from school grounds as a result of those threats.


Very similar to the New Haven situation, social media posts made from an instagram account called @jackson_the_clown shared various clown photos with the caption, "will be in Naugatuck - Be carful - lock you doors - Which school wanna go first? According to fox61.com, police don't believe the threats to be legit, but they're staying on top of the situation.


New Fairfield:

It appears as though the post has since been removed, but we received several reports of an instagram account called newfairfieldclowns having made the threat implying that everyone should "be careful halloween night." Personally, I don't interpret this one as much as a threat as I see it as a friendly public service announcement.

North Haven:

According to nbcconnecticut.com, the North Haven Police Department will be adding extra patrols throughout the local area based on the threats received in New Haven and Naugatuck.


Do you think we've seen the last of this recent wave of threats? Will the actual clown sightings begin? How far will this whole thing go?

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