HART Transit and Litchfield Distillery Distribute Free PPE
PPE supply chains are being tested yet again with the soaring national numbers of positive COVID-19 cases. It's more important than ever here in Connecticut to keep our levels right where they're at. I've noticed that you can occasionally find disposable masks in convenience stores and specialty shops, but they're still priced at a premium. It's imperative to keep the free mask distributions going, with so many unemployed, most people cannot afford a $100 pack of 50 disposable masks. Good news though, we've got a free mask distribution event in our area. Hart Transit took to their official Facebook page for the announcement:
In support of the statewide effort to encourage mask-wearing on public transportation, Hart Transit will distribute free PPE masks to riders at their Pulse Point Ticket Window, located on Main Street and Kennedy Avenue in Danbury on Tuesday July 28 from 7AM to 9AM, and again between 3PM and 5PM.
I also came across an announcement from Litchfield Distillery, who have already generously donated over 60,000 bottles of their hand sanitizer to high-risk individuals (I'm one of them), front-line healthcare workers, and first responders over the past few months. They are still giving away bottles of their sanitizer under the tent in their parking lot via the honor system, but they are also now selling half-gallon containers at a very reasonable price.
I've joked a few times that even though every fiber in my being knows that you cannot drink hand sanitizer, the Litchfield Distillery hand sanitizer still smells amazing. I've smelled some stinky alcohol-based ones boy, let me tell you.

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