Gordon Gano From Violent Femmes Grew Up in Connecticut?
You really do learn something new every day. Today I learned that some of you may have grown up with Gordon Gano, the lead singer of Violent Femmes.

I've been a fan of that band for decades, saw them almost every time they played here in Connecticut. They're from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, right? Yes, but Gano was born in New York City, and spent his first 10 years here in Connecticut. Show us some hometown love sir. You could have mentioned that at a show, like Liz Phair & John Mayer did, has he? You know, you can get a massive hometown pop by mentioning the guys back in Ansonia Gordo?
Paul, Steve, and I could have been yelling "Hey Gordon, tell us Blister in the Sun was inspired by your time wandering around New Milford", instead of "Kiss off".
According to an interview that Gano gave to undertheradarmag.com last year, he lived in a few places around Connecticut in the mid 60's and early 1970's. He doesn't mention anywhere specific in Connecticut as far as I can tell from researching a few other interviews. Gano and family moved out to Milwaukee in 1973, where Violent Femmes formed in 1979. Ok, I admit defeat here, you win Wisconsin. But we still have a piece of Gano, right Connecticut?
The last time I saw Violent Femmes was at Mohegan Sun Casino in 2019, and it was one of the loudest concerts that I've ever been to.
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