Gilmore Girls’ Stars Hollow Inspires Local Washington, Connecticut Store
Yes, I am a Gilmore Girls fan. It's tough to admit that as a 52-year-old fat guy, but I love the snappy dialogue, the cast and characters, and especially that the show is peppered with real life Connecticut references.

It tickles me when a cast member mentions Beacon Falls, Naugatuck, or Litchfield on the show. Gilmore creator Amy Sherman-Palladino dreamed up the fictional Connecticut town of Stars Hollow after a visit to Washington, New Milford, Bantam and Litchfield. There have been a couple of Gilmore Girls fan festivals held in Washington over the past few years, but if you've ever driven through hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything, with the name "Stars Hollow", you've come away empty, right? Not anymore.
Maybe you've been to the Mayflower Inn by the Frederick Gunn School? The Mayflower was the inspiration for the Independence Inn. Or you've taken a photo of Marty's Café (Luke's Diner), or the Washington Food Market (Doose's Market)? Nothing actually says "Stars Hollow" right? Well, I drive by Stars Hollow Yarns now on the way to work every day. It's on Rt. 202 near the intersection of Wheaton Road in the Marbledale part of Washington, CT.
No, it's not owned by Keiko Agena, and I doubt you'll see Milo Ventimiglia or Jared Padalecki there, but stranger things have happened. According to starshollowyarns.com, Stars Hollow Yarns "was inspired by the community in the fictional town of Stars Hollow on the Gilmore Girls." I think that's so cool, that someone who loves the show and the vibe as much as we do, has actually invested and put something tangible for fellow fans in the area that was its inspiration.
Anyway, thank you to Stars Hollow Yarns, for the inspiration and the smile that I make when I imagine Kirk, sorry, Sean Gunn, in the back room knitting a big bag for all of his engagement rings.
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