Forget ‘True Detective’, ‘Bloodline’ Is Where It’s At
Truth be told, 'True Detective' season two is a let down. The must-see series is 'Bloodline'.
I was so looking forward to the second season of 'True Detective' on HBO but as the series winds down to it's last episode I'm left feeling disappointed. Too many characters, too many subplots and side stories with not nearly enough build up. But I found something else to fill my binge-watching time and this one is good, I'm talking 'Sopranos' good.
I don't know how I wound up checking out the Netflix original series 'Bloodline' but I'm glad as hell I did. This is an amazing series that pulls you in within the first sixty seconds of episode one. It's no surprise it's gotten the green light for a second season. This show is truly amazing.
Created by Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler, and Daniel Zelman, the story centers around a family filled with dark secrets that can't be forgotten no matter how hard they try. Eventually their past secrets and scars are revealed when their black sheep of a brother returns home to take everyone down with him.
Every member of the cast hits a home-run but it's Kyle Chandler and Ben Mendelsohn who lead the pack. Chandler plays the oldest brother John Rayburn. You may recognize him from 'Friday Night Lights' among many other movie roles. Mendelsohn plays the black sheep brother Danny. He, on the other hand, may not be as recognizable but should be. I first caught him on the big screen in the underrated 2012 movie 'The Place Beyond the Pines' and, although it was a supporting role, he stood out.
If you have Netflix, see this show. I just finished the 13th and final episode this week and was bummed to find there wasn't a "Play Next Episode" option at the end. According to Wikipedia the second season won't air until 2016. It will be worth the wait.
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