Forecasters Say Five Days of Rain – Come Drown Your Sorrows at Hat City On Tap
March weather this year pretty much sucks. So far it is going out like a lion. I say nothing cures bad weather blues like a great party!
I knew the very warm temperatures we enjoyed at the end of February and the start to March would come back to bite us. Mother Nature, she's such a tease. Snow piles everywhere, frigid cold temps, and now the Connecticut Weather Center is forecasting rain, wet snow, and showers from Friday March 24, and continuing into next week.
In a word, yuck! Actually I have more words than that, but I want to keep my job.
With a forecast indicating an 80% chance of rain on Saturday I say it's time to drown our cold. crappy weather sorrows. I know where I'll be, and I hope to rub elbows with you too.
With over 100 beers to sample from America's best breweries, the only choice for Saturday's entertainment is Hat City On Tap. Gather up your friends and join us as we turn the Danbury Ice Arena into Connecticut's biggest craft brewery. You can get a jump on the frivolity by picking up VIP tickets that get you in an hour before the general admission tickets do. I'm thinking if we all put our mind to it for four hours straight, maybe we can change the forecast. At the very least, we can alter our attitude.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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