Drone Video of the New Premier Subaru Lot in Middlebury
If you've driven up Rt. 63 (Straits Turnpike) through Middlebury and Watertown recently, you may have noticed that there has been some serious land clearing/construction going on along Straits Turnpike in the vicinity of Park Road. Crews are clearing a huge stretch of land where a house once stood, right across the street from the Middlebury Edge Plaza, where Domenic's and Vinnie's/Cheng Square/Thomaston Saving Bank is. They're clearing the land to make way for Premier Subaru of Watertown's new facility, which will be built over the coming year or so. I came across some cool drone footage that Premier put up on their social media, and if you haven't driven by recently, it's really cool to see what they've done to the land already. Check it out
The closest thing that I have to a "Before" image is an overhead shot from Google Maps, I've circled the area in RED that you're looking at in the video. Just to the East of the new construction is Tracy's Pond, to the Northeast is Western Hills Golf Course, and directly across Straits Turnpike to their West is the Middlebury Edge Plaza.
According to premiersubaruwatertown.com, their new "State of the Art Facility" will be solar powered, and it will have enough space to show Premier's heritage collection of vintage Subaru vehicles, which are currently in storage, plus, a 4,000 foot showroom, an 18 car service drive, over 30 service bays, and 3 express service lifts. Full disclosure: Mrs. Large and I are both Subaru Forester owners, and we are both customers of Premier Subaru. Their current facility, at 795 Straits Turnpike in Watertown, is nice, but it's a pain in the ass to try and pull into and out of their parking lot, because you are constantly fighting Stop and Shop/Dunkin/Automotive Row traffic, and it's really tight. This new facility, and all of the space that it will afford, will be a great move for the dealership. I'll keep you updated on the construction progress, it still looks like it's a long way to go.
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