Domino’s Pizza Shop Coming to New Milford
The possibility of ordering a pizza in New Milford at 11 pm will soon become a remarkable reality.
It's official pizza lovers! According to the NewsTimes, a Domino's Pizza eatery has been approved by the New Milford Zoning Commission and will be located in the old CVS building at 41 Main St. on the beautiful New Milford green.
Supporters of the new eatery say that Domino's offers a late night food option which the town needs plus all Domino's shops are locally owned and operated.
Opponents of the project claim that having a national chain on the Green would detract from the historic character the town is known for. Other residents are wary that if the eatery stays open until 11 pm or 12 am, that it will encourage people to hang out and loiter. One town resident told the NewsTimes that Domino's should go someplace else that suits their fast-paced delivery model. Another resident said that it will disrupt the small town ambiance.
What say you New Milford? Is having a Domino's Pizza shop on the Green beneficial to the town or does it take away from that homey small town atmosphere?
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