Does It Take a Pandemic to Reset Our Personal Priorities? A Trip to Squantz Pond
This is in no way, shape, or form a preachy political diatribe so calm down.
These are my personal observations regarding the extensive changes most of us are experiencing during the onslaught of this Covid-19 pandemic. No matter which news outlet(s) you've chosen to keep yourself updated on the latest news, most of it is gloom and doom.
At times, I find it necessary to take a break from all the Covid-19 updates and prognostications. Instead, I'm finding myself catching up on small projects and pleasures at home that always seemed impossible due to the hectic lives we lead. We actually drove the 8 minutes to Squantz Pond State Park to take a walk and actually have a conversation and of course to snap photos.
After our Squantz Pond walk, we decided to go on one of those old fashioned 'Sunday Drives' made popular in the post-war forties and fifties when life didn't have as many demands. We drove up through the back roads of New Milford and Kent with no worries of having to be back for anyone or anything.
To put the finishing touches on our day, we dusted off our old backgammon board which we haven't done for upwards in 30 years.
Instead of rushing to meetings, working on deadlines, or making sure we've booked ourselves as much as possible and as often as possible, some of us have been forced to slow down or come to an abrupt halt all due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Maybe it's time to reacquaint ourselves with the truly important individuals in our lives whether it's by picking up the phone, facetiming a loved one or dropping off groceries or a home-cooked meal to a neighbor who's in need. I would like to think that humanity will win over the Coronavirus.
Here's a look at some sights from our socially distanced trip to Squantz Pond:
Ethan and Mindy's Socially Distanced Trip to Squantz Pond
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