Do You Think Certain High School Mascots Stereotype Native American Culture?
Do you think it's disrespectful that some high school sport's teams in CT are named after Native American stereotypes?
According to, representatives from the Native American community said that the use of the names like 'Indians,' Warriors,' 'Tomahawks,' and 'Red Raiders' are hurtful and support harmful stereotypes.
Norman Clement, a Native American activist said, "They're problematic because they dehumanize native people. Clement went on to say that images like spears and tomahawks form a savage image of Native Americans.
Hearst Connecticut Media attempted to contact the 17 schools in Connecticut who utilize logos or mascots that use stereotypical Native American imagery. Only four returned requests for comment. Draw your own conclusions. Former president of the Connecticut Native American Inter-Tribal Urban Council, James Rawlings said:
They have stolen our history without reading our history,
Some of the Connecticut high schools in question and their mascots are Glastonbury High (The Tomahawks), Nonnewaug High (The Chiefs), Watertown High (The Indians), Derby High (The Red Raiders), RHAM High (The Sachems), and Ramogo Regional High (The Warriors).
Since 1968, the National Congress of American Indians has been attempting to address the stereotypes found in print and other media. The website, is working hard to end the racial slur, 'redskins' as the mascot of the NFL football team, the Washington Redskins.