Danbury Student’s Tragic Suicide Sparks Online Controversy
A Danbury High student who fell to her death has been ruled a suicide.
According to a press release from the Danbury Police Department, a 16-year-old female student passed away after she jumped from the fifth floor of the Danbury Fair Mall. Several reports on social media indicate that the girl might have been bullied, but that has not been confirmed. 18-year-old Luis Lopez told the NewsTimes:
Before she did, she recorded herself contemplating if she should go through with it. She sadly did go through with it.
How someone can make insensitive comments about another person on social media who has committed suicide is deplorable, but that's exactly what happened. Superintendent of Schools Sal Pascarella told the NewsTimes:
An individual posted inappropriate information regarding the deceased online.
Pascarella also said that there would be counselors and support staff at the school for any student who might be having difficulties processing this terrible tragedy.
A friend of the deceased student, Maria Garcia is coordinating plans for a candlelight vigil at the Danbury Fair Mall set for this Saturday, February 16 at 5 pm. Garcia is asking anyone who chooses to attend to wear white and blue, her friend's favorite colors.
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