Danbury Officials to Decide the Fate of the Dorothy Day House
Will the Dorothy Day homeless shelter and food pantry be shut down this Thursday night?
According to an article at newstimes.com, this Thursday evening, the public is invited to an open hearing regarding the legality of the Dorothy Day Hospitality House. Here are the facts: Dorothy Day opened up 35 years ago with all the correct permits in place BUT, those permits, which were supposed to be renewed every year, were never filed.
Danbury's Zoning Board of Appeals will meet this coming Thursday evening to talk about a series of variances which could lead to the DD House being in compliance, in which case it will continue to serve the homeless and hungry in Danbury and the meeting is open to the general public.
In 2016, the city attempted to shut down Dorothy Day because permits were not updated for more than 30 years and then the controversy kicked into high gear. The Zoning Board of Appeals upheld the city's decision and Dorothy Day appealed. That appeal which is still pending in court.
Dorothy Day supporters claim that the shelter should stay open because it offers the homeless and hungry a chance to get back on their feet. Opponents say that it attracts objectionable characters to the downtown area. If you are pro or against the existence of Dorothy Day, attend the public forum on Thursday evening and make your feelings known.
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