Danbury Area Forecasts Are All Insanely Different
I get into work this morning, and start preparing to share useful information with the listeners of the Ethan and Lou show. Part of that procedure is to get a quality weather forecast for everyone to consume.
Since I am not a meteorologist, I typically go see what those guys are saying. When there is a winter storm with a lot of hype around it, I go see what at least two of these meteorologists are saying, Ethan does his own research on the matter and we come to some sort of a consensus on what to tell all of you.
This morning, that became an impossible task. Everyone seems to agree that somewhere in the next 72 hours we will see a minimum of 2 inches. Above and beyond that, no one agrees on anything.
Ethan's forecast, wherever the hell he got that, is saying all of it comes tomorrow and we get a dusting overnight tonight. My research indicates that by tomorrow morning, we will have just shy of two inches with more on the way Wednesday and Thursday.
I think we can all agree that anything over an inch is an inconvenience to our day-to-day. This means that this storm is going to screw us up somewhere, somehow, which means the most relevant information is the timeline. We don't necessarily care how much, but need to know when it starts and when it ends.
Do me a favor - it will take you under three minutes. Go to three different weather sources right now, punch in your zip code and share back what you find. I promise you will have three completely different forecasts.
If only the science community could start cloning Jim Cantore, and we could have one in every media market in America. Then, we would know what the hell is up and when.
I promise you the dude is gearing up for this one somewhere right now. He's likely doing calf raises at the same time.
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