Police: Connecticut Serial ATM Burglar Uses Jaws of Life on Machines
Police have arrested Joshua Moore of Shelton, a man they believe is behind a string of ATM thefts throughout the local area, dating back to 2016. Police say the 46-year-old used a Jaws of Life Device he bought on eBay to open the ATMs.
According to FOX 61, multiple police agencies staged a coordinated effort on the investigation and Moore is now reportedly in the custody of the Southington Police Department. Joshua Moore was already in custody on charges he faces in Bristol and his arrest in connection with the most recent ATM theft came on Friday, July 5, at Bristol Superior Court.
The Shelton man is already facing multiple counts of burglary in many local towns in Connecticut and New York. These town include Brewster, NY, Patterson, NY, Kent, NY, Stratford, CT, Southbury, CT and Shelton, CT. Moore is being held on a combination of bonds totaling $550,500.
I've seen a lot of primitive attempts to crack an ATM on television. Crowbar, baseball bat, kitchen knife, construction saw, and none came close to getting the job done. I've never heard of someone using the "Jaws of Life" device to crack an ATM wide open. It sounds likes it works like a hot knife through a stick of butter (allegedly). While I will give Mr. Moore and "A" for effort (allegedly) NO ONE gets away with a string of (alleged) crimes in my towns.
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