Connecticut Ranks Among Top 10 Best Places to Raise a Family
Wallethub conducted a study for 2021 to rank the best and worst states to raise a family in the U.S. The study compared all 50 states, using categories like income, healthcare and mortality rates. Health/Safety, education and family fun were some of the other factors, there were 52 metrics in all.
Once all the data was considered, Connecticut ranked #9 in the nation, New York came in at #4 and New Jersey was #7. The state that is best for raising families is Massachusetts according to the study.
Here are the categories where CT had it's highest scores:
- #2 in affordability
- #3 in fewest crimes per capita
- #4 in education
Those are some fancy feathers to pop into our cap and strut around with and most Nutmeggers would probably agree with the study findings.
The problem with CT is that the problems are like broken records, they are well documented, passed down from generation to generation, ingrained in each one of us. The taxes are high, have been for decades and no one ever does a thing about it.
The transportation infrastructure is beyond bad, it's downright dangerous and for some reason we elect politicians who are criminals to lead our state and some of our biggest cities.
The problems never change at all, almost like we like them, like they are a bad girlfriend or boyfriend we can't give up on. We know they are bad for us, everyone in our life tells us everyday, and yet we can't stop going back for more.
This can be our new slogan: "CT, she promised it would be different this time."
P.S. The biggest problem CT has is slow drivers in the fast lane on the highway. We all know it, we all talk about it, out of state visitors make remarks about it and it's been happening forever.
Who is doing this? Is it three or four drivers who take turns driving around the state in shifts purposely clogging the fast lane? It's maddening I tell you, maddening.

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