Crematorium Proposed Again in Attempt to Reverse Bethel’s Decision
After being turned down in 2014, a Bethel business owner is trying again to get the OK to build his crematorium.
Just to be clear, a crematorium is where you take human remains to be burned. Therein lies the problem for many Bethel residents, most of them don't want to think about a business in their town that burns human remains. Back in 2014, Bethel's Planning and Zoning Commission reversed their decision about allowing business owner Shawn McLoughlin to construct a crematorium next to his concrete business in the Francis J.Clarke Business Park.
According to an article in the News Times, McLoughlin's attorney, Daniel Casagrande has filed a brief with the Supreme Court saying the Commission should reverse their decision because it was based on illegalities. Casagrande has argued that the Commission turned down his client's application without proof that the crematorium was dangerous to people's health or the environment.
Many Bethel residents have already come forward saying how much they despise the thought of having a business in town where human remains would be burned. There was even a petition proposed on change.org with the headline, "Don't Let the Dead Kill the Living."
What say you Bethel? How do you feel about the possibility of a crematorium being built in your community?
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