Connecticut’s Governor Says No Border Tolls for Danbury
Good news for Connecticut. There will be no tolls at Danbury's border with New York at Interstate 84.
According to the Ridgefield Press, Selectman Rudi Marconi has gotten Governor Lamont's assurance that tolling on I-84, I-91, and I-95 will not move forward. What does this have to do with Marconi? This is what he said,
This means that there will be no border tolls - or tolls of any type - in the Danbury area and no possible diversion of traffic into Ridgefield due to tolls.
According to Marconi the Governor explained to him that tolls are only being considered for "superstructures like a new bridge or other similar features that require large scale construction."
According to yaledailynews.com, Lamont is getting ready to roll out his $20 billion transportation proposal called the CT 2030. The ten-year plan will target projects that better the quality of life, increase productivity, and make Connecticut more hospitable to business. Funding for his plan will come from low-interest federal loans and tolls at select bridges and tunnels.
Connecticut has been ranked 37th for infrastructure and the seventh-worst in the country for its roads. This past May the organization 'No Tolls CT' gathered 100,000 signatures on a petition to end Lamont's plan for tolls.
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