Celebrate V-Day With Donald Trump on Love & Relationships
Whenever I hear the word love, I think of it in it's purest, most passionate form and that thought train's last stop is Donald Trump. If anyone knows love it's the 45th President of the United States of America. On this Valentine's Day I have compiled some of his all time quotes on the subjects of love, relationship and women.
Donald on the Twilight saga that played out in real life
His true love? Social media and keeping his money
Donald on his affection for Kate Middleton
Who is Donald not attracted to?
Compare/Contrast Donald
Donald does not believe in using the word "bimbo."
Don on facial symmetry
Donald on understanding why some relationships run their course
Trump on respecting the bond of marriage, kissing and how furniture shopping can be an aphrodisiac. (WARNING: Content not safe for children or work)
Trump on how arousal can impact love:
Sometimes you decide immediately—love at first sight. Sometimes you go slowly—the long engagement. … Sometimes you’ll think with your head. Other times you’ll think with other parts of your body, and that’s good.
Trump: Think Like a Billionaire, 2004
Trump on how Angelina Jolie is no great beauty:
Angelina Jolie is sort of amazing because everyone thinks she’s like this great beauty. And I’m not saying she’s an unattractive woman, but she’s not beauty, by any stretch of the imagination,” Trump said. “In terms of beauty, she’s not a great beauty. She’s a nice looking woman. She’s OK. But she’s not a great beauty.
CNN's Larry King Live
Love is in the air, Happy Valentine's Day.
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