Can Connecticut Beat Massachusetts in Hemp Production?
Any conversation associated with marijuana lately is usually about the intoxicating effects of the sticky stuff. Massachusetts is the epicenter of herb-world right now, with the first two legal shops opening up over the past week.
The tremors of marijuana legalization have become a full-on earthquake in the past few months. Scores of longtime opponents have seemingly accepted the fact that current laws regarding marijuana are severely outdated. According to the AP, one such longtime opponent changing course is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In recent months, McConnell has proposed that hemp be removed from the controlled substance list of the Federal Government. This may be great news for CT.
In Connecticut, we have a very long history of producing some of the finest tobacco in the world and for such a small state, we have a rich variety of agriculture and farming here. In fact, one local man is already trying to overturn Connecticut's hemp laws.
Hemp Industry Daily reports that Bloomfield attorney and NORML counsel Aaron Romano recently appeared in the Hartford Superior Court to file a lawsuit forcing Connecticut to adopt a hemp program, and if he succeeds, would make Connecticut the first state to court-order regulate private hemp production.
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