Brookfield Woman Goes Viral After Annoying a Black Bear Until It Goes Away
A Brookfield woman recently found herself in a hairy situation with a Black Bear in her mother-in-law's backyard.
The woman uploaded a video of the incident to Buzz videos and the description reads:
"So I was actually filming birds for my mother in law which I do all the time and didn’t even notice the bear approaching. Then I panicked thinking about the empty feeder that I hadn’t taken down."
The following was posted on March 4, 2022.
I could have gone with any number of ways to describe what the lady did to scare the bear off but since I was annoyed by it, I chose "annoys." I cannot blame the woman for doing her level best to get rid of the animal. You never know when a bear will graduate from stealing bird feeder food to stealing spare car parts from the garage.
People, animals, no one just graduates to full-criminal overnight, it's usually a progression. We don't know what this bear wanted or if it was hopped up on goofballs and grass, all we know is it was stealing bird feed.
As these things go, it's cute but I'm always surprised to see what goes viral and what does not. I can watch hours of Andrew Dice Clay guest appearances on the Howard Stern show but am rarely moved by what you all seem to be.
I do know from being in media that whether I like it or not, animals move the dial. Animals wearing sweaters, animals eating, animals being told to go away, it all sells and it moves fast.
The only question that I care about is how does this benefit me? If you opened this, it already has and if I can get this woman on the Ethan & Lou Show to talk about her harrowing experience, it will be a double win for me.
If you are the woman in question, or another local person in possession of an animal video, please contact me to book an interview.
P.S. If I was this bear, I would have stood up on my hind legs, looked this lady in the eye and said "stop calling me bear! I have a name, you know."