Brookfield Restaurant ‘J. Ramen’ Set to Be Demolished
Brookfield restaurant J. Ramen will soon be no more, as it's scheduled to be demolished.

J. Ramen was one of many casualties of the global health crisis, shuttering its doors during the height of COVID-19. For the short time it was open, J. Ramen served Asian cuisine favorites like ramen noodles and sushi. The structure located at 316 Federal Road has been home to several restaurants over the years, one of which was The Wagon Wheel.
The building will now be torn down according to a public notice placed on the building's entrance. The notice reads:
"PURSUANT TO CONN. GEN. STAT. SEC. 4b-64 THE CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION hereby gives notice of it's intent to demolish this structure which is more than 50 years old."
That statute states the following:
"Each state department, institution or agency intending to dispose of, demolish or transfer ownership of any structure more than fifty years old shall notify the Department of Economic and Community Development of such intent ninety days before the disposition, demolition or transfer. The department, institution or agency, not more than one hundred twenty days and not less than thirty days before such disposition, demolition or transfer, shall publish notice of its intent three times in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality in which such structure is located and shall post a sign stating its intent in a conspicuous place on the property on which such structure is located not less than thirty days before the disposition, demolition or transfer."
It's a lot of words that boil down to this, they need to tell us (the general public) before "they" can legally destroy a structure 50 years or older.
I found out about the demo while getting my daily sandwich at Chihuahua's Deli. I was talking with the owner, my pal Jose Adame AKA Chihuahua and I asked what was going on with the place and he altered me to the demolition.
It's one of the many things we've talked about over sandwiches, local businesses. Because he owns two local businesses; Chihuahua's Deli and Taco-Bachi, he's a good person to get get an opinion from. Whenever I have a question about how town decisions help or hurt a small business owner, I ask Jose.
He believes one of the reasons J. Ramen did not survive was the limited and awkward parking situation on the property. Once the few decent parking spots run out, you are left with spots close to the building that can be somewhat dangerous to pull out of, as you'd be entering a busy roadway in reverse.
I have reached out to Brookfield's First Selectman Stephen Dunn, in an effort to schedule him for a live interview on my radio show (The Ethan and Lou Show). We will keep you posted on, if and when that interview will take place. I intend to ask Mr. Dunn who owns the J.Ramen property? And, why the decision was made to bring it down?
It's sad to see any small business go but it's better it's torn down, as opposed to sitting empty. Empty structures, especially ones that sit vacant for long periods of time become dangerous magnets for criminal activity.
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