Bozrah, Connecticut Finally Has an Event that Interests Me
Hello Southeast Connecticut. You are home to two of my favorite places in the world: Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. You also have a great aquarium, a rich maritime history, and the best beaches in Connecticut. I've been almost everywhere in that part of our state, except Bozrah.
No offense Bozrah, I've been through you hundreds of times on Rt. 2, but there has never been something interesting enough to make me stop. That changed this morning.
We've held numerous events over the years here in Danbury, but one of my favorites was our Bacon and Brew Festival in 2017. Connecticut has lots of summer fairs and festivals, including the two big oyster festivals, strawberry festivals, a potato and corn festival, a garlic festival, and numerous clam chowder events. Bacon festivals? They're rare.
Well not anymore, Bozrah is stepping up to the plate, and they're making event organizers all over Connecticut look bad. The Connecticut Bacon Festival will be held in June 2023 at Bozrah's Maple Farm Park. As of the 2020 census, Bozrah had just under 2,500 residents. You hear that Waterbury, Danbury, Hartford, New Haven? A town in Connecticut with a fraction of your city's population is smarter and quicker than you.
The 2,500 residents of Bozrah's three villages - Fitchville, Leffingwell, and Gilman, should be proud of themselves. I'll be taking my first steps ever in Bozrah in June along Bozrah Street, and I'm bringing some bacon-loving gluttons from Western Connecticut along with me. Start smoking the pork bellies now Bozrah, we'll see you soon.