Botanists of Brookfield, What is This Bright Yellow Broccoli-Like Plant?
I saw a brilliant patch of bright yellow seeping out of the ground while I was taking my dog for a walk around the radio station in Brookfield this morning. At first, I thought it looked like a thousand tiny daffodils all clustered together, but the closer I got, I realized that it's something that I've never seen before.

The plant has a texture kind of like cauliflower, or broccoli, except it's screaming yellow. It seems as if it's slowly overtaking a small area of shade in the mulch underneath one of our trees on the property. I downloaded the Plant Identify app and it has given me around 6-7 possibilities, none of which I'm extremely confident in. So, I turn to the experts, botanists of Brookfield, I need your help identifying a plant that is growing in our town.
Hello Botanists of Brookfield, What is This Bright, Yellow, Broccoli-Like Plant?
According to my Plant Identification app, the yellow plant is one of two things: Yarrow/ Milfoil/Nosebleed, or a Linchen. I don't think it's a Linchen, but it looks really close to a Yarrow/Nosebleed from the photos. Can you help us identify it?
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