A Look Inside And Out Of One Of Connecticut’s Creepiest Abandoned Places
It closed its doors in 2010 and housed 128 tuberculosis patients at capacity when it was in full operation and it is super high on the creepy scale. It's Connecticut's abandoned Cedarcrest Regional Hospital and according to Atlas Obscura, was founded in 1910 by the State Tuberculosis Commission, which now goes by the name of the Tuberculosis Control Program.
Believe it or not, at one time, the name of this hospital that sits on a hill in Newington, Connecticut was The Hartford County Home for the Care and Treatment of Persons Suffering from Tuberculosis. That is an awfully long name, but at least it tells you exactly what they did behind those walls. Just two years later, maybe administrators or state officials decided it definitely was too long and changed it to the Hartford State Sanatorium.
"The White Plague", as it was called, was one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. during the early years of the 20th century and not many areas were able to fully stay away from its reach. At first, because the disease progressed slowly, it was initially thought to not be contagious, but we know from Connecticut History.org that in 1882, a German doctor named Robert Koch, was able to identify the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the cause. He was also able to develop a vaccine, but it was not effective and was only able to be a good test for the disease, not a cure.
No cure meant you needed places for these folks to go who were infected. The people of wealth were able to travel to places warmer around the country, but the poor were relegated to Connecticut's system of sanatoriums. Lots of misery, sadness, loneliness, and of course, death took place in these places and Cedarcrest is no different. According to Damned CT, most of the patients were children.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Let's take a look inside and out of this place that has been rumored to be haunted as most 'abandoned' places seem to be, whatever the case may be it sure is an awesomely abandoned, odd, and creepy place.