9 Things That Totally Suck About Living in Danbury
It sucks to suck; you’ve heard that right?

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In general Danbury, CT is a wonderful place to live, but certain things about it suck. Does that mean it's a place that sucks? No, it just means it has elements of suckiness, out simply, it's not perfect. I set out to challenge myself to develop a list of these cons despite my passion for the Hat City.
9 Things That Totally Suck About Living in Danbury
Elements of a place can totally suck without the place totally sucking. This is the point I intend to make here. Like anywhere else, Danbury has things about it that totally and completely suck without damaging the Hat City's rep to the point of total suckage,
If you compare that list to that of another city of a similar size, Danbury comes out smelling like roses. Basically, if these are the worst of our problems, we're doing alright.
Fascinating Images of the Bunkers + Rubble From an Abandoned Missile Site in CT
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Recently, I found a Youtube video that gives a visual tour of a decommissioned missile sit in CT, located in both Portland & Glastonbury, CT in the Meshomasic State Forest. The video was posted by “Adventures in Melancholy” and the host does a great job of explaining exactly what we are looking at. The following photos are from the video and they are of the Hartford site, meaning it was intended to defend Hartford, CT.
New Milford Parents Have Facebook Debate On Whether Remote Learning is a Viable Option During COVID Surge
Many Americans are concerned for their health and the health of their children with a recent surge in positive COVID numbers and this rings true in New Milford, CT. Recently one parent created a Facebook post that read:
“One of my daughter’s said to me last night that she is scared of going to school and asked why we can’t do remote learning?’
The mother added that her daughter remarked there were “barely and kids” in her math class. She wanted to know what everyone else on the New Milford Facebook page thought, asking if they think remote learning should be an option. Finally, she shared a screen shot, she took of the New Milford Public Schools COVID Dashboard. The picture showed the statistics that were available for January of 2022 so far. Below are some of the responses the woman received.
14 Danbury Situations You Don't Want to Find Yourself In
Danbury, CT is a wonderful place to live, trust me I live here. There are plenty of activities, fantastic people and an abundance of diverse landscapes. You get it all, rolling hills, lakes, valleys and an urban center but there are situations that you may not want to find yourself in. These are 14 Danbury Situations You Don't Want to Find Yourself In.
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