You Have Less Than a 1 Percent Chance of Spotting Bigfoot in CT
CT Residents have .4% chance of seeing Bigfoot in CT.

Before the "know-it-alls" get aroused, this number is based on reported sightings. According to a study conducted by Bet Ohio, Ohio is the state where you're most likely to see Bigfoot. In this study, they seem to mix real metrics with emotions and a need to attract tourists for hunting. Below is the listed methodology:
"Bet Ohio utilized The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (bfro.net) data to compile the number of credible sightings by state that were credited and maintained by researchers, archivists, and investigators of Bigfoot."
The State with the most Bigfoot sightings is Washington with 707, and a listed % chance of seeing Bigfoot at 12.7. Although Ohio's numbers are lower (318 + 5.7%), they still somehow determined that seeing the hairy beast is most likely to happen in the Appalachian foothills of Eastern Ohio.
Maybe that region has the highest concentration of Bigfoot sightings, I don't know but the numbers seem to indicate someone thinks they can make a lot of Bigfoot bucks here. I don't have time to dive deep into these metrics, who is really number 1, and why.
What I do know is, no matter how fudged these numbers are, Connecticut still manages to be unbelievably far away from being an interesting place to live. Bet Ohio says CT is listed in the 0-50 sightings range and a .4% chance of seeing Bigfoot.
I badly want to believe in something. I choose to believe in extraterrestrials because I want them to be real, and the vastness of space makes it a mathematical certainty. I want to believe in Bigfoot just for the hell of it, just for the smell of it. I also want to believe that I live in a wondrous and desirable place - Danbury, CT.
But CT is chipping away at my want, my hope and my defenses everyday by being expensive and quite boring. We can't even see Bigfoot? What can we do? What can we see?
You can see their full breakdown below.
Please bet responsibly.
Maybe on a football game, a couple times a year.
Please don't bet on this.
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