CT Woman Driving 25 mph on I-95 Angers Drivers While Causing Huge Backup
Why was a 56-year-old woman driving only 25 mph on Interstate 95 in Connecticut?
Before reading the entire article on the fox61 website, I thought I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was just being overly cautious, because she chose to go slower so she wouldn't be caught speeding. Maybe she had a problem with her eyes while driving at night -- NOPE!
A State Trooper on patrol witnessed the woman crawling at 25 mph over the Baldwin Bridge, which is a 65 mph speed zone. Behind her, was a long line of vehicles with cranky drivers.
She was pulled over by the trooper and given a field sobriety test, which she failed. She was charged with driving too slow, driving under the influence, and enraging the 50 drivers who were following her like she was the pied piper. She's scheduled to appear in court on June 27.
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