Wanna See What I Sent All of My Friends This Weekend That Left Everyone Scratching Their Heads?
I don't know why I find this funny, but I do.
I sent this to everyone I know Saturday morning. This had people questioning why they are even friends with me. The reactions ranged from physically sick to confused.
This guy is pure entertainment. You can keep Beyonce Knowles, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and the Chainsmokers. I will watch this man perform all day. When you have this kind of talent, you don't keep it to yourself, you share it with the world!
Here is how I know it's funny. I showed it to my kids, and they laughed for an hour, as did I. It's the subtlety of the camera panning from the TV to the man that is brilliant. Shout out to the unsung hero of this video. The director/camera man really knew what he or she was doing. You have to keep the audience guessing. You don't wanna see this lawn gnome warming up, you want to be surprised or in this case shocked. The inappropriate pelvic thrust mixed with creepy smile is the best move in the whole routine. Just brilliant. Grade A comedy here.
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