Two Pieces of Good News for the Hungry People of Torrington
I know most of you have felt the heartbreak of when one of your favorite restaurants shut down for good, well, I actually have a couple bits of good news for those that miss Carbone's Market and Eben-Ezer Mexicano Restaurant in Torrington to share with you.

The first bit of good news involves the former Carbone's Market on Oak Ave in Torrington, no, it's not coming back, but someone has announced that they intend to buy the business.
According to Plymouth's Cleveland Country Store, the owners John and Chris Casanova, along with their business partner William Campbell, will be opening up Clevelands' Country Store of Torrington at the former Carbone's location after a renovation.
The new owners say that it will be a full-service country store/deli featuring soups, salads, and panini sandwiches, but there's no mention of carrying on the Carbone's tradition of serving up the fattest grinders in all of Connecticut. In addition, they will feature an old fashioned candy and ice cream shop inside featuring Buck's Ice Cream from Milford, and renovate the building and adjacent parking lot to feature indoor and outdoor seating.
The other piece of good news I have to share is that Eben-Ezer Mexicano Restaurant has returned on S. Main Street in Torrington. It's been shut down temporarily for the past 4-6 months, but my wife excitedly called me on Monday night and said that the lights were back on, cars were parked in front, and the 'Open' sign was glowing again. We ordered last night, and the guacamole is perfect, as usual. Oh those birria tacos, I'm so glad you're back too.
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