We see the warnings on TV, we read about American gangs in our news feed but when the story is over, it's right back to life.

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Many of us look at gangs as someone else's problem, an issue that exists in a far-off land. This is not reality. Some of the most dangerous gangs in America have a foothold right here in Connecticut. I went looking for more information and found the CT Justice Department is not only aware of the problem, but they want you to be cognizant of it.

The Hateful 8: The Most Dangerous Gangs in Connecticut You Need to Know About

Your exposure to gangs and gang violence is probably a lot like mine. You see gang stories told on fictional TV shows like "Sons of Anarchy" or in the movies and think, eh not my problem. Not so fast Nutmegger! According to the CT Justice Department gangs are a real problem in the State of Connecticut.

Here are the 8 Most Dangerous Gangs in the Nutmeg State

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

What we often see on TV can feel distant and fictional, but for some, it’s an everyday reality. The thought of living with the constant stress of not knowing if today will be the day someone is coming for you is truly mind-blowing. I can’t even begin to imagine how you cope with that kind of tension and fear day in and day out.

Connecticut is a place of stark contrasts. On one hand, you have some of the most beautiful and affluent communities in the entire country. On the other, there are neighborhoods that resemble war zones, where violence and danger are part of daily life.

For more updates on Connecticut’s news, be sure to check out the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Show on Apple & Spotify. We keep you informed about what's happening in your community, with a dose of humor whenever we can. But when it comes to writing about topics like this, humor isn’t exactly on the menu—I have no interest in being shanked in a Connecticut alleyway anytime soon.

10 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods, in Connecticut's Highest Crime City

Those of us who live in Connecticut know, this place is NOT what the rest of the country thinks it is. We have folks struggling to get by, we have crime, drugs and very dangerous neighborhoods. Recently, I set out to find the most dangerous city in Connecticut and I got a lot more detail than I bargained for. After determining Hartford was the city with the most violent crime, I was able to find the specific places that are the most dangerous within the city. These are the 10 Most Dangerous Places in Hartford according to the Connecticut Bail Bonds Group.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Most Dangerous Cities in Connecticut in 2024 According to 'Hoodmaps'

Examine One of Danbury's Most Disorganized + Dangerous Turns

Nothing to see here just an impossible turn, setup in a nonsensical fashion that leads to chaos and confusion behind the wheel in the Hat City. Danbury residents are infamous for their complaints about our roadways because there is plenty to complain about. I'd like to add to that long and distinguished list by pointing out a disastrous turn Downtown. Let us examine one of Danbury's Most Disorganized + Dangerous turns.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

100 Diverse Danbury Eateries to Keep Your Taste Buds Busy

It's a lot to take in, Danbury has well over one hundred places to eat, these just happen to be the 100 Hat City spots that I can remember from the top of my head.

NOTE: There is a link in the description box to each businesses' menu or website.

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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