“Shreddies” Jeans Allow You to Pass Gas at Will Without Offending
Rip some taste, fire in the hole, Honkin' on Bobo, whatever you call it, you can now pass gas with confidence. "Shreddies" are the hot new jeans revolutionizing the fashion industry for folks with an irritable bowel. The pants have a carbon lining that filters out bad smells for unsuspecting passers by.
The company does not stop at denim pants, they also offer carbon lined underwear, pajamas and even seat cushions. The jeans can run you about $130 but this seems to be a value if you consider what you are getting in return. Never again will you have to hold back, feel free to blast off with amazing smell filtered products.
We are beefing up! Whoever came up with this idea has been watching rock blocks of "Shark Tank." They learned that a good entrepreneur identifies a problem and provides a solution. Now all we gotta work on is sound proofing these pants and we really have something here.
P.S. Ever notice that audible lady farts always sound like a question? I have.
P.S. If you are one of those families that refuses to say fart and instead calls it a fluff, floof or a puff, you need to seek mental help. I don't trust those people.
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