Sex Author Shares Spicy Valentine’s Day Ideas for CT Men to Try
Valentine's Day is almost here and with it, comes unreasonable expectations.

Some people want a nice dinner, others want to spice things up in the rack and there is another group who would like to skip the entire thing. It can be a frustrating day if you don't live up to the expectations your partner has. In these confusing times, it's always best to ask an expert, which is why we called Laura Corn.
Laura Corn is the best-selling sex author behind "101 Nights of Great Sex." Each year before Valentine's Day, Laura joins us on the I-95 Morning Show to share some love advice with the couples in our audience.
This year, I wanted to get specific and talk about Connecticut people and spicing things up. Since there is a lot of money in our local area, I asked Laura, what do you get for the woman who has it all? This is how she responded:
"Are you going out to eat on Valentine's Day? You know what a really cool move is? You can actually have flowers delivered to the restaurant. You want to talk about blowing her away? You know how many people are listening to your show when you go out to a restaurant? You'll see flowers everywhere, big arrangements on the table, with a card, very cool move. You've got to do a Valentine's Day card so you're going to write something really thoughtful. This is another creative gesture, put the Valentine's Day card in the mail. I know it sounds like, ya know but it's amazing, it will blow her away because it is creative. If you're going to stay home, bring the flowers home, knock on the door and say you have a secret admirer honey and that is me. Women are very sentimental, we're emotional, we love romance. And of course, by the way, I've only sold 2 million copies of 101 nights of Great Sex, so you're in like Flynn with that book."
- Take her out to a nice restaurant and have flowers delivered to the table.
- Mail a Valentine's card to your lady, at your house.
- Stay home, bring flowers and knock on the door and say weird stuff like you're a stranger.
Since Laura Corn is a sex author, we had to ask her about the approach in the bedroom on Valentine's Day, this was her advice:
"If you want to knock it out of the park, right in the middle of having sex, stop what you're doing. If you're giving her a necklace, hopefully you're in the ____ position, you stop what you're doing, lean over wherever the jewelry is and you put it on her neck. Every time she looks at that necklace or bracelet she's going to thinking about one thing, having sex with you."
- Ice her down with jewels during a diddle session.
Whatever you do, don't get her a gift certificate. I learned that when Laura was quizzing us on what could make a woman levitate.
In the end, Corn summed it all up in a very simple and helpful way, saying:
"All women, everywhere want the same thing, without a doubt. They need you to be thoughtful. Women are always looking at the effort behind the gesture and if you can get creative, big huge points. One way to do that is like I said, take a piece of jewelry and surprise her right in the middle of having sex."
Laura Corn's book is popular for a reason, it's really cool and fully interactive for couples. The book contains pre-sealed envelopes that instruct you on how to embark on an exciting new adventure in the bedroom.
I have to tell you I listened back to our interview and was insanely creeped out by the way the guys and I were reacting to Laura's comments. My skin was crawling hearing the animal noises we each made after her every suggestion. But the creep of all creeps was Ethan. There is nothing like an "old-white" getting sex advice. Listen to this super-cut I made of his comments and noises. If you are in anyway aroused by this, you should see a physician.
OK, if I'm being fair, I was just as creepy as Ethan. HOWEVER, only one of us said "Va-Va-Va-Voom." You can listen to our entire interview with Laura Corn below. In it, we talk more about her book, some of the celebrities who enjoy her work and about her experience in Amsterdam's red light district.
Want more fun and CT News? If so, check out the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Podcast. The show is available wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. The program is the same one we do on the radio but with limited commercials and no music. You can also listen live by streaming the show on the I-95 Rock Mobile app, or tune into I-95 (95.1FM).
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