See the Face of ‘Hanger’ in This All-Time Tik-Tok Posted by Barstool Sports
I swore up and down that I would not add Tik Tok to my social media menu. Then, I watched this Tik Tok video posted by Barstool Sports and that was it -- I was hooked.
Here, we have the face of "hanger," when hunger meets anger. The lady in the front seat apparently worked 10 hours and did not eat all day. We've all been there, and the last thing we want is to hear anyone else's opinion on the matter -- you just want to eat. The clip contains profanity, so if you are not into that, move on:
I love that her friends cannot breathe, they are laughing so hard. Did she call the girl in the backseat squid!? Did I catch that right?
"What did you eat today, squid? I had nothing! NOTHING!"
These words will reverberate through my mind for decades to come, followed by painful laughter, ribs, face, all of it will hurt.
Notify a friend -- this is an "on the line" classic.
"On the line" How we refer to the internet on the Ethan and Lou Show, weekday mornings from 5:30-10 am on WRKI, i95, The Home of Rock and Roll I-95.

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