My new ride home from work takes me through Litchfield, and every time that I pass by the Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center on East Litchfield Road, I have flashbacks to the time I had to do the "Trust Fall" there when I was in high school.

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Did you ever have to do a trust fall? It's a team building exercise where each individual takes turns deliberately falling backwards off of an elevated platform into the awaiting strong arms of their teammates. For the average-sized person, it's fun. But for the majority of us who are above average in weight and height, it can be mortifying.


I went to Holy Cross High School in Waterbury, and once a year, the school would bus us up to the beautiful Wisdom House Retreat in Litchfield for a day of spiritual education and reflection. The trust fall activity they had planned for us terrified me, I was the largest kid there, even back in high school, I weighed around 260. The thought of falling backwards off of a chair into the arms of 125 pound Doreen really scared me. What if I broke her arm? I'd never forgive myself. God I hope that I don't smash Debbie's glasses. The things that run through your head, oh man.

Platinum Leadership via YouTube
Platinum Leadership via YouTube

Well, I had a lot of practice catching people before it was my turn to take the plunge. I had lined up the strong veterans, and I knew that the key to not injuring someone was to tuck your arms across your chest. I found that out the hard way when I got whacked across the chest by someone who was waving their arms on the way down. Here's a video I found on YouTube of some folks enjoying a trust fall.

It was finally my turn, and I remember being so nervous, even though it was honestly a two foot drop. I gave in, leaned backwards, and safely landed into a sea of arms and hands. What a vivid memory, it was the only time in my life that I ever did a trust fall. Meet me at the Wisdom House this weekend?

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