How Many Cerevisaphiles Are in the Danbury Area?
Full steam ahead my friends. Weather forecast for CT on Tap, Saturday September 24 shows a big ball of sun in the sky. No excuse for not joining us in the joy of beer tomorrow. Are you a cerevisaphile or not?
Yeah beer! There's not much we like better around here than introducing the i95 listeners to some amazing beers, craft and otherwise. Then toss in the chance to meet and mingle with you all and it's a no-brainer.
Now if you'd like to wow your beer lovin' friends with some weird facts while you wander Ives Concert Park in Danbury Saturday sampling all those tasty brews you can check out Foodimentary.com They did a little known facts feature for National Beer Lovers Day, which was September 7. Around i95, we say EVERY day is Beer Lovers Day. Don't you agree?
Cerevisaphiles unite to wet our whistles! Crazy word right? Greg Smith, frequent contributor to realbeer.com defined his favorite beer lover term:
1. an aficionado of beers and ales, 2. a devotee to the decoction of barley infused with hops and fermented, 3. an imbiber of beer on the highest order, bordering on devotion, 4. one who pursues the very finest in malted beverages
According to the article, the name really took off. I say we bring it back at CT on Tap. I think it'll rolls off the tongue after a few beers.
Word to the wise. Ticket prices are cheaper in advance. Day of, you can still buy them at the gate, as well as online, but it will cost you more. So don't wait. Friday September 23 is the last day to get the in advance price.
For all of your event day information click on CT on Tap.
Listen to Pam Brooks weekdays from 10-3PM on 95.1 FM, online at i95rock.com/listen-live/ or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.
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