Sure he's a walking candy apple with a broken neck but..homeboy can ball.  He's got 510 career TD's, he's the all time leader, the cheez whiz, the big kahuna, the daddy of the mack daddy.

It's still hard to believe people were writing this guy off after coming back to football from his injuries.  It's even harder to believe that as a Raider fan I could ever root for a guy who wears a Broncos uniform but I do.  Peyton Manning is classy, likeable and dare I say it kinda funny.

All I know is I pray that in the end his legacy is larger than Andrew Luck's.  I cannot put my finger on why I hate Andrew Luck, but I do.  Maybe it's cause he's a giant nerd in the body of a sick athlete, maybe it's because he has the voice of "Andre the Giant."  I don't know what it is but if he stubs his toe 1,000 times today I laugh and laugh and laugh.

Hey Peyton, go get em' daddy!

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