Thousands of moms are taking Target to task for selling what's been referred to as "hooker style" shorts to their tweens.

According to Business Insider, it all started when one mother on Facebook chastised Target for offering short-shorts to young girls comparing them to "hooker style" shorts. Here's part of that quote:

I don't fancy myself a prude, but neither do I take the responsibility to teach my daughters about modesty and appropriate dress lightly. We live in a culture sexualized enough as it is; I wish I could go shopping for my tween and not have to worry about her backside or her underwear showing in a pair of athletic shorts.

After that initial post was published on Facebook, it went viral with thousands of moms and dads agreeing with the FB mom. The controversy has parents calling out other stores like Walmart for their lack of suitable options for young girls.

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Could we just put the breaks on for a minute? Are you telling me that these retailers only sell these type of shorts without offering any other options? When I clicked on, there were many other options for girls summer apparel, not just what some moms are calling "hooker style" shorts. For example, here's a pair of perfectly respectable shorts taken directly off the Target website:

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I have a daughter, so I certainly understand why parents don't want their pre-teens dressed provocatively when they leave the house, but if you don't think the types of summer clothes are appropriate that are being offered for young girls at Target or Walmart, it may be time to shop at another clothing store.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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